Our day started with a bang (literally!). In Guatemala there are fireworks and cannons that go off throughout the day. As we were leaving for church we said a prayer with a BOOM**
Church started at 9:30 with music that was very moving. Many of the songs we knew and were able to sing along to, but no words were necessary to feel the spirit. During the service we witnessed a baby dedication and a baptism for an elderly lady. The message was from Matthew 5 and it was great to see the congregation so engaged.
Good Morning from Guatemala City |
Several of our group members went to the children's ministry. There was dancing with the group and a game like musical chairs (with no music) very interesting. The children then went to their rooms and the group floated among the rooms to meet them. Elizabeth and Jamie got to visit with grades 4-6, Tripp hung with the boys in grades 1-3, and then Buffy got to dance with the babies/toddlers. It was all very much as eye opener to see some come with parents and other alone. By Buffy and Melissa
Heading to Church |
Today was a wonderful day of learning more about the culture of Guatemala in respect to the their worship in church. At the beginning of the service, we sang a worship song in spanish. Then we greeted each other and Pastor Carlos asked two of us to provide a brief testimony, which Mary and Buffy did a great job doing with Nixa translating. After the testimonies were given, Buffy, Tripp, Elizabeth, and I went to spend time with the children's ministries. First, they had a wonderful teacher which taught them a dance to a song named
Mi Salvador. We spent about 30 minutes singing and dancing with the kids. With me not being a dancer or knowing very much Spanish, the only way to have fun is to just forget the circumstance and show the kids you can have fun even within those limitations. It's a great way just forget your pride and enjoy every moment of life. After the song, we played a game of musical chairs, but with a twist.
Elizabeth playing musical chairs |
After musical chairs, we visited the Sunday school classrooms. The teachers there are wonderful with the kids. The students were really interested in knowing more about their visitors. The teacher asked us to just tell a little bit about who we are in Spanish. Some were more comfortable than others, but we all gave it a try and the kids really enjoyed it. Just trying to communicate with them in their language helps to build that relationship more than asking them to understand English.
This little girl wanted to give Jamie a kiss. |
I really learned so much today and we are just beginning our trip. I can't wait to return and get into more details of the trip. by Jamie Massengill
This afternoon we spent our time at Herona which is located in one of the roughest parts of Guatemala City. Volunteers from the church go there on Sunday afternoons to reach the children and teach them about Jesus. Their hope is that through the children they are able to reach the parents. The children are deprived and hungry. By hungry I mean we watched them try to claim trees and put fruit in their pockets to take back with them. It broke our hearts! We were able to sing, dance, and read a lesson with the children. We all were very surprised that they knew the story of Zacchaeus.
playing with the children |
Thanks Stephen for the sticks. |
We were also able to play with them outside kicking a ball or throwing Frisbee (donated by WCC). It was great to be able to talk and watch them play. Some of us saw children that we really could have taken home. Watching them leave was super hard, as there was so much we wanted to do to help, but it is out of our control.
I will close this with one high light for us - A BIG COW WALKED BY US ON THE STREET MOOOOOING.